Getting Jazzy in Nashville

I took a little break from the brutal New York cold this week to come back to Tennessee and perform in the premiere of my mother's original Jazz Mass for World Peace at Holy Name Church in East Nashville. It was an awesome opportunity to perform live with both of my parents (my father Jerry Tachoir on the vibraphone, and my mother Marlene Tachoir on piano) and wonderful Nashville musicians Roy Vogt on bass, Rich Adams on drums, and Sam Levine on saxophone. I sang the soprano lines, while the incredible Nashville singer Connye Florence sang alto. I'm super proud of my mother for her wonderful composition and grateful to have had a chance to reignite my musical interests. Here's a pic:

L to R: Sam Levine, Me, Marlène Tachoir, Father Carré, Jerry Tachoir, Connye Florance, Rich Adams, Roy Vogt

L to R: Sam Levine, Me, Marlène Tachoir, Father Carré, Jerry Tachoir, Connye Florance, Rich Adams, Roy Vogt

Now let's cross our fingers that the winter weather doesn't interfere with my return to NYC tomorrow!


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