New (almost) everything!


Hello, 2018. Clearly, I let things slide a little on the website updating front. But not anymore! You'll notice this site has a brand new look and all sorts of updated info about yours truly! And on top of that, I also have a brand new look—with new pics of my new red hair! I promise that despite all the new things here, it's still the same old me. 

In case you missed it, the world got a little crazy after 2016. I'm gonna roll out a separate post that chronicles some career and life highlights from the past... year? And change? (Has it really been that long since I wrote a new post? All right, then.) So look out for that! 

In the meantime, I'm excited to have an updated presence on the world wide web. Stay tuned as I post more frequently (for real, I swear). And hit me up on the good old contact page if you wanna get in touch! 

- Erica

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