I'm a mom! (in a short film... and because I wrote a script, which is like giving birth, right?)

This past week was a whirlwind! (In a good way.) Last Thursday, we did a table read of my feature script Scattering Jake with some great local actors. It was super exciting to hear the story coming to life through their performances and to be able to focus on what's working (most of it!) and what still needs some tweaking (there's always something, right?). It inspired me to start visualizing the film and really digging into it from a director's perspective. A huge thanks to everyone who came out—the actors, my friends and fellow writers who listened and gave feedback, my fav DP Matt Troy who recorded it for my sake, and my amazing producers Tessa and Melissa. (I'm only now realizing all three of our names end with "A." That's funny. Anyway...)

These amazing folks brought the script to life. (And they were fantastic!)

These amazing folks brought the script to life. (And they were fantastic!)

Just me listening, cool and casual. Not at all anxious or nervous about hearing my words.

Just me listening, cool and casual. Not at all anxious or nervous about hearing my words.

Then on Saturday, I hopped on a bus to the greater Washington D.C. area to act in a short film for four days! 

My on-screen husband Aaron Kheifets and I welcome our kids home in Ivan Kander's short film A Day Without. (I have kids?!?)

My on-screen husband Aaron Kheifets and I welcome our kids home in Ivan Kander's short film A Day Without. (I have kids?!?)

It was a really great experience. The director is Ivan Kander, and you should definitely check out his work. He had an amazing crew, and it's a really sweet/sad/funny (you know I love that combo) and well-written script. While I don't LOVE the fact that I have officially crossed the threshold into playing a mom (What do you mean I don't look like I'm 21 anymore?!?), I'm excited to see how the project comes out and had a blast shooting it. So watch out for that!

Oh yeah, also there was this incredible sunset shot. No big deal.

Oh yeah, also there was this incredible sunset shot. No big deal.

Quick other news: Scattering Jake was a finalist for the PAGE Awards Fellowship at the Stowe Story Labs. And WeScreenplay featured the fact that Melissa is attached to the film. (Thanks for the introduction!) 

Stay cool out there! (both figuratively and literally... it's hot)


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